CH. Renee’s Catch Ham If You Can (Hampton)

Hampton, owened by Bob and Jennifer Offinga, is from Julie's second litter.

Hampton is stunning and athletic, he has a solid temperament and excellent movement. The conformation ring was not his favorite, so we mixed his confirmation and other sports trials. He likes Flyball and is very competitive.

Additionally he has trained in obedience. We are all so proud to have an all around dog such as Ham he is equally at ease no matter what event he is entered in.

At Hampton's fourth showing, he took a five point major at the Oregon Boxer Specialty.

We are very proud of Hampton's success — good work!

Sire: Ch. Rosend's Bo Diddley, SOM
Dam: Payne's Romancing the Stone, U-CD, DOM

Hampton’s Pedigree



Renate & Larry Howard
1592 Pine Street
Niceville, FL 32578
Phone 850-842-2209


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